An unusual thing happened to me last week. I smelled something funny in the hallway. I always hear sirens but this time they came very close to the building. Someone opened the door, but it wasn't the walker or the feeder. It was the nice lady from upstairs who walks and feeds me sometimes and who brought me out to the country once. Her name is Ms. Barb. She was very upset and yelling to me, "Posie, come, now!". At her side was Rufus, the big dog from down the hall. I was really excited because I love Rufus. I ran around and around because I was excited to see them but Ms. Barb said that we had to go right now. I ran right to her and jumped into her arms! I thought that we were going on a walk but we weren't. Outside there were lots of fire and police trucks with loud sirens. I've heard that fire trucks carry handsome white dogs with black spots, but I didn't see any dogs at all.
Rufus told me that his walker had accidentally set the curtains on fire, it started raining in the bedroom and his walker started throwing the curtains out the window. That is when Rufus went to find Ms. Barb. She walks him, too, sometimes and she would know where to go. That is when they came to my rescue!
My feeder ran up to Ms. Barb and picked me up. I barked to let her know that I wanted to go back to see Rufus, my hero. He is so brave!
No one was hurt. Unfortunately, Rufus' bed was ruined and his house had fire and water damage so it will take a while to fix it.
Many thanks to Ms. Barbara and Rufus for coming to get me! I would have been very scared alone and my feeder would have been worried.
1 comment:
Posie, Hannah and your Auntie Net are happy to hear you were rescued by Rufus from the fire. We love you and miss you much!
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