Monday, April 28, 2008

Furless Felines

I do not know what is going on with the felines lately. The feeder took the crate out, so I thought that I would be going out. The feeder packed all of the felines into the crate with no room for me and they left. They were gone all day. At first, I was happy to have the house all to myself, but I began to wonder what kinds of adventures they were having without me.

Then, they came back. And they looked funny. Like lions or poodles or aliens. They said that the feeder told the hairdresser to do it. I've been to the hairdresser but she did not do anything like this to me. Now, I'm worried. Maybe this haircut is "all the rage" at the beauty salon. Maybe she will think that I need to look like a lion-poodle. The felines like their new cuts. They say that they aren't hot and don't have any tangled hair anymore. I'm not sure about this. I might stay away from the beauty salon for a while. I really need to learn to bark-spell, so that I can tell the hairdresser, "puppy cut". The feeder better not tell her "poodle cut" for me. Yes, I must learn to bark-spell or find someone other than the feeder to take dictation.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

la divina doggess

I have found the most wonderful place in the world! It is called La Divina Gelateria. It is on Magazine Street. Sometimes they make gelato especially for dogs, but I prefer the sweet cream gelato and the creole cream cheese gelato! While I am not supposed to go inside (darn rules), I do eat on the table outside, where, if I pause to notice, I see less fortunate dogs (I usually call them mutts, but the feeder says that's not politically correct) being walked. If their feeders were with them, they might get to stop and have this gelato stuff too. Walkers don't always understand the importance of snacks. Being on the table lets me look down on the less fortunate, but it makes me sad. I bark at them sometimes, "Better luck next time, mutt!"
Good thing the feeder doesn't understand barkenese.