Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The country

Some of you may already know that I been a bit under the weather lately. The vet gave me something that caused an awful sore on my side. The walker claims that this is the reason that I must wear clothes all of the time (for the healing process - no licking!), but I know that the real reason is that he'd like to pick up ladies while walking me. Apparently, it is a well-known fact that ladies like cute, little dogs (like me) in fashionable outfits.

Anyway, I decided to abandon the regular walker & feeder and take to the road this weekend. I found really great substitute walkers & feeders with a home in the country! I walked in a real neighborhood and felt the grass in my paws and ran around in the backyard free - leashless!

No vacation is complete without photos! Here is a pic of me and substitute walker, Megan! Aren't we cute?

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